Tips for surviving WordPress site editing experiments with Gutenberg
So you want to go into the brave site editing world and explore? That’s great, but before you go, here are some tips to make that journey a little gentler. Export at every opportunity Under ‘more tools and options’, you can click export to download your templates and template parts. Doing this ensures you always…
Gutenberg Full Site Editing does not have to be full
I would love for us all to almost stop using the term “Full Site Editing” in 2022. That’s not to swap for “site editing” or another term, but to start calling each separate piece what it is. You see, when many say that term, they are joining functionality together that absolutely can add up to…
Extendify is now available in WordPress.org plugin directory
We are super excited to share that the Extendify is now available in the WordPress.org plugin directory! You can check it out today: https://wordpress.org/plugins/extendify/ The new Extendify plugin is the best way to get the latest Extendify features and all the other awesome new stuff we’ll be releasing over the coming weeks and months. Here’s…
The power of list view in Gutenberg 5.9
One of the powerful features in the WordPress block editor is the list view. This allows you to quite literally view the blocks and content in a list. However, with the on-coming of 5.9 it’s going to allow so much more. In today’s Extended Short, I wanted to take a little dive into the latest…
What to expect in WordPress 5.9 from Gutenberg
As we enter a new year, a new release of WordPress is rapidly approaching, but what can you expect to see in this release? Let’s dig a little into the features and find out what’s coming in WordPress 5.9. This release is an important one, so important it took a little longer to get to…
Focusing on the Future of Extendify
We are excited to share that our team has decided to spin out the Editor Plus and EditorsKit plugins from Extendify, to be managed by Munir Kamal and a dedicated team. Editor Plus and EditorsKit users will enjoy a dedicated development and support team and can look forward to many new features in the coming…
The power of Gutenberg image effects in WordPress
Have you discovered the power of stacking effects on images with Gutenberg? Welcome to Extended Shorts, a new series of short posts where we share some ways to extend your use of Gutenberg and create content in WordPress. If you select a cover block you will find, depending on your theme, a range of image…
Block patterns are better than blocks
If I said think of a florist site, you likely wouldn’t just be thinking of a block. I bet you would be thinking of part of the site — the header, or even a feature section. You probably wouldn’t even visualise the entire site to start with. Thinking in patterns is natural for someone and…
Extendify Pro is Live!
We are excited to announce that Extendify Pro is leaving beta and we are opening the full Extendify Pro experience to the entire WordPress community! Extendify turns WordPress into a superpower for entrepreneurs looking for the easiest way to create a WordPress website. With thousands of page and pattern designs, Extendify Pro makes WordPress website…
Extendify is Adopting the EditorsKit plugin
We are thrilled to announce that Extendify is adopting the EditorsKit plugin from Jeffrey Carandang. Jeffrey built an amazing experience with EditorsKit that has made Gutenberg easier to use and more powerful for thousands of users. With Jeffrey taking on a full-time role at 10up, EditorsKit hasn’t received as much development as Jeffrey or we…