AI-powered WordPress to grow your hosting business

Simply preinstall Extendify to activate, retain, and grow your WordPress hosting customers with AI-powered WordPress.

Trusted by WordPress hosts around the world

AI-first WordPress experiences your customers will love

Empower your hosting customers to create beautiful, professional-looking websites in minutes using the latest AI technologies natively in WordPress.

AI-powered WordPress

Establish your hosting brand as an innovative AI-first web hoster.

AI Templates create 100% personalized websites

AI Writing Assistant automates content creation

AI Image Generator creates stunning visuals

AI WP Co-Pilot customer support needs

Onboard your users in 60 seconds using AI

Extendify Launch creates fully personalized WordPress websites in seconds using AI.

Fully personalized content

Localized to any language

Integrated into WordPress through a plugin

Creates native WordPress sites (no 3rd party builder)

Extendify Assist

We guide users with personalized recommendations to maximize the value of their site, increasing lifetime value for their host.

In dashboard recommendations

Guided instructions

Personalized tasks

Extendify Design Library

The Extendify Design Library is a library of best-in-class block patterns to add to your WordPress site, without a line of code. Add industry-specific patterns with a single click from the WordPress editor

Industry-specific patterns

Add to any page or post with a single click

Adapts to any theme’s style

Add no bloat – uses core WP blocks

Joost de Valk

Founder, Yoast SEO

“Extendify’s products make the WordPress onboarding and day-to-day experience much easier to grasp for the average user. Every WordPress host should be using Extendify.”

Matt Russell

Former Chief Cloud Officer, Namecheap

“A generic WordPress install is no longer ‘good enough’, hosts need to be offering Extendify.”

Wahid Aziz

CEO, Host Arabia Group

“Extendify made our WordPress Hosting experience for clients 10x better”

Built 100% on core WordPress, Extendify is lightning fast, completely secure, and infinitely extensible

Sites built using Extendify are native WordPress sites with no 3rd party builder required, allowing your customers to take advantage of everything WordPress has to offer.

Super fast

No bloat means blazing fast sites.


No 3rd party builder means less security risk.

No lock-in

Extendify builds sites 100% on core WordPress. There is no lock-in for you or your customers.

Grow your hosting business with AI-powered WordPress

Let’s discuss how Extendify can boost the growth of your WordPress Hosting Business.