Design Library

Build a Page in minutes with 1,000+ Responsive WordPress Patterns and Templates

Join 300,000+ designers and developers to jump-start your next WordPress site with beautifully responsive block patterns and page templates.

Built on core

No 3rd party block collection, no legacy page builder. Just blazing fast, native WordPress templates.

Adapts to any theme

Extendify patterns and layouts will adapt to your theme’s styles to ensure they look great on any site.

Building a page got easier, and faster, than ever before

With Extendify Library, you can create a great page or an entire site in just a few clicks with any theme without a line of code.

“I know the care that goes into the code and design of Extendify and this is now going to be one plugin I will install for every site as standard with confidence”

Ronald Gijsel

Ronald Gisel

“I liked most of the patterns that are offered and the plugin interface. I can imagine that soon users can finish their website by just using Extendify.”

A library of best-in-class block patterns to publish in WordPress, without a line of code

Grow your hosting business with AI-powered WordPress

Let’s discuss how Extendify can boost the growth of your WordPress Hosting Business.